Machine Learning For Beginners

Oumlaz Maroua
8 min readApr 18, 2021

Arthur Samuel described machine learning in the 1990’s as “a field of research that enables computers to self-learn without being specifically programmed,” which implies imbuing machines with information without hard-coding it.

Machine learning is primarily concerned with the creation of computer programs that can self-adapt and evolve in response to new data. Machine learning is the study of algorithms that self-learn to perform tasks. Its learning algorithm enables it to handle large amounts of data more quickly. For example, it would be interested in acquiring the ability to complete a mission, make correct forecasts, and act intelligently.

Applications of Machine Learning

Machine Learning has numerous applications in a variety of fields, including medicine, defense, technology, finance, and security. These domains encompass a range of applications for Controlled, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement learning. The following are a few applications of machine learning algorithms.

Types of Machine Learning

Machine learning is broadly classified into three groups, as follows:

Types of machine learning

Supervised Learning

The first category of machine learning is supervised learning, in which labelled data is used to train the algorithms. In supervised learning, algorithms are educated on marked data with known input and output. The data is fed into the learning algorithm as a series of inputs, referred to as Features, denoted by X, and the corresponding outputs, denoted by Y, and the algorithm learns by contrasting its current production to the right outputs in order to identify errors. It then modifies the model to account for this. The raw data is segmented into two parts. The first segment is used to train the algorithm, while the second segment is used to evaluate the learned algorithm.

Supervised Machine Learning process

Supervised learning makes use of data patterns to forecast the values of additional data used to mark the items. This approach is often used in systems where historical evidence is used to forecast possible future events.

Types of Supervised Learning

Supervised Learning is primarily divided into two components, as follows:

Types of supervised learning


Classification is a type of Supervised Learning in which marked data is used to render non-continuous predictions. Knowledge is not always constant in its output, and the graph is non-linear. Classification is a strategy in which an algorithm learns from the data it is fed and then uses the knowledge to identify new observations. This data collection can be bi-class or multi-class.

Types of Classification Algorithms

In machine learning, there are several classification algorithms that are used for a variety of classification applications. The following are some common classification algorithms.

Types of Classification Algorithms

K-Nearest Neighbours

The KNN algorithm is one of the simplest classification algorithms available, and it is also one of the most widely used learning algorithms. A majority vote of an object’s neighbors determines its classification, with the intent being allocated to the class that is most prevalent among the object’s nearest neighbors. It may also be used for regression — the result is the object’s meaning (predicts continuous values). This meaning is the average (or median) of its k nearest neighbors’ gains.

Support Vector Machine

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a subclass of Classifier in which a discriminative classifier is described formally by a separating hyperplane. The algorithm generates an ideal hyperplane from which new instances are classified.

Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes is a type of Classification technique, which is based on Bayes’ Theorem with an assumption of independence among predictors. In simple terms, a Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the presence of a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the presence of any other function. The Naive Bayes model is accessible to build and particularly useful for extensive datasets.

Decision Tree

A decision tree constructs classification structures using a tree framework. A decision tree associated with it is built incrementally and simultaneously breaks down a vast data set into smaller subsets. As a consequence, a tree with decision nodes and leaf nodes is formed. Two or more branches exist on a decision node. A leaf node denotes a grouping or judgment. The root node is the first judgment node in a tree that correlates to the strongest indicator. Decision trees may be used to process categorical as well as numerical results.

Random Forest

Random Forest is a machine learning algorithm that is used to do supervised learning. It establishes a forest and lends an air of informality to it. The forest it grows is an ensemble of Decision Trees; much of the time, the decision tree algorithm is equipped using the “bagging” approach, which is a hybrid of learning models.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning is the second category of machine learning in which unlabeled data is used to train the algorithm, i.e. data that lacks historical marks. What is shown must be deduced by the algorithm. The objective is to sift through the data in search of structure. Unsupervised learning uses unlabeled data as input to the algorithm without pre-processing the data and without specifying the data’s output, and the data can not be divided into train and test data. The algorithm parses the data and creates clusters of data with new labels based on the data fragments.

Unsupervised Learning process

This strategy is particularly effective when dealing with transactional data. For instance, it can be used to classify segments of consumers that have common characteristics and can then be handled equally in marketing strategies. Alternatively, it may identify the fundamental characteristics that differentiate consumer groups. Additionally, these algorithms are used to segment text subjects, make recommendations, and detect data outliers.

Types of Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning is split into two parts, as follows:

Types of Unsupervised Learning


Clustering is a type of Unsupervised Learning that utilizes unlabeled data. It is the process of grouping similar entities together and then using the grouped data to create clusters. The objective of this unsupervised machine learning approach is to discover correlations between data points and to group related data points together, as well as to determine which cluster new data should be assigned to.

Types of Clustering Algorithms

In machine learning, there are several clustering algorithms that are used for a variety of clustering applications. The following are a few common clustering algorithms.

Types of Clustering Algorithms

K-Means Clustering

K-Means clustering is one of the algorithms used in the clustering process. It involves grouping related data into clusters. The K-means algorithm is an iterative clustering algorithm that seeks out local maximum in each iteration. It begins with the input K, which specifies the number of classes to display. Insert k centroids into your room at random positions. Calculate the distance between data points and centroids using the Euclidean distance equation, and allocate each data point to the cluster that is closest to it. Recalculate the cluster centers as a mean of their associated data points. Rep until no further modifications arise.

Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering is a form of clustering algorithm in which related data are clustered together in a cluster. It is an algorithm for constructing the cluster hierarchy. This algorithm begins by assigning each data point to its own set. Then, the two clusters that are the closest to one another are combined into a single cluster. Finally, since there is just one cluster remaining, this algorithm terminates. Begin by grouping each data point. Now, using Euclidean distance, locate the nearest pair of the group and combine them into a single cluster. Then, compute the difference between the two closest clusters and merge them until all elements are grouped into a single cluster.

Dimensionality Reduction

Dimensionality Reduction is a subset of Unsupervised Learning in which the measurements of the data are minimized to exclude irrelevant data. This method is used to exclude data that has unacceptable characteristics. It refers to the method of transforming a set of data with a wide number of dimensions into data with the same number of dimensions but a smaller scale. These methods are used to improve the functionality obtained by solving machine learning problems.

Types of Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms

There are several dimension reduction algorithms in machine learning, each of which is applicable to a particular dimension reduction program. The following are some of the more popular dimensionality reduction algorithms.

Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis is one of the Dimensionality Reduction algorithms; in this technique, it converts old variables, which are the linear mixture of existing variables, into a new collection of variables. Principal elements are a new class of variables. As a consequence of the transition, the first primary component has the greatest possible variation, and each subsequent product has the greatest possible disparity if it is orthogonal to the preceding ingredients. By retaining only the first m n elements, the data’s dimension is reduced while retaining the majority of the data’s content.

Linear Discriminant Analysis

The linear discriminant analysis is a dimension reduction algorithm that often produces linear combinations of your initial characteristics. However, unlike PCA, LDA does not maximize the amount of variation explained. Other than that, it optimizes the separability of groups. LDA may be used to enhance the predictive ability of the derived features. Additionally, LDA provides variants for overcoming particular roadblocks.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is the third form of machine learning in which no raw data is provided as feedback and the reinforcement learning algorithm must determine the condition on its own. Reinforcement learning is a technique that is commonly utilized in robots, gaming, and navigation. By trial and error, the algorithm learns which behaviors result in the most important rewards. This style of training consists of three major components: the individual, which can be thought of as the learner or decision maker, the atmosphere, which can be thought of as anything about which the agent communicates, and behavior, which can be thought of as what the agent can do.

The agent’s goal is to take measures that maximize the anticipated compensation over a specified period of time. By adhering to a sound strategy, the agent can achieve the objective even more quickly. Thus, the aim of reinforcement learning is to discover the optimal strategy.


This article is for beginners who want to begin their careers in the field of Machine Learning by learning the fundamentals, such as what machine learning is, its various forms, some key algorithms, and how it works.

